【英语教案】Lesson 2: Friends【英语教案】Lesson 2: Friends


【英语教案】Lesson 2: Friends

1.能听说读写: he, she ,What's your/his/her name? My /His/Her name is --.
2. 通过学习本课,能掌握相关的词汇;用英语介绍自己的朋友。
3. 培养学生大胆自信地运用英语进行交流。
he, she ,What's your/his/her name? My /His/Her name is --.的运用。
Puppet男,Puppet女,收音机,Steven、 Kim的图片。
㈠ Warming up
2、Sing a song Try to find 用以复习friend.(通过英语歌曲的演唱,创设出浓郁的英语学习氛围。)
㈡ New concepts
⒈Put a puppet on each hand and model a conversation:
Puppet1: Hello! I am a boy. My name is _.What's your name?
Puppet2: Hi! I am a girl. My name is_. Nice to meet you.
Puppet1: Nice to meet you,too.(Indicates a boy/ girl in class.)What's his/ her name ?
Puppet2: I don't know.(To student.)Are you a girl or a boy ?
Student: I am a boy/girl.
Puppet1: What's your name?
Student: My name is _.
Puppet2:Nice to meet you,_.(To Puppet2) He/She is a boy/girl. His/Her name is --.
T: What's your name? (教师单独指一名学生提问.)
S1: My name is ________.
T: What's her/his name? (教师随意找一名学生对另一名学生提问)
S2: Her/His name is _____.(教师通过和学生打招呼、问姓名,拉近了师生之间的距离.更直观的介绍了学习内容,学生接受起来也更容易)
2.教师板书What's your name? My name is --.指导学生书写时注意的问题,引导学生书写What' his name? His name is --. What's her name? Her name is --.
3.小组模仿练习What's your/his/her name? My /His/Her name is --
4.自编歌曲 Song: What's his name? What's her name? Do the Hokey Pokey turn around.We're good friends.He's my friend. She's my frieng. Do the Hokey Pokey turn around. We're good friends. (边唱边指一男孩和一女孩,加上Hokey Pokey turn around等动作)
5. 看书,听会话录音,模仿语音语调。
6. 介绍Steven and Kim
T:(指着一个男生)Is he a boy?
S1: Yes, he is a boy.
T:(指着一个女生)Is she a boy?
S2: No, she is a girl.
T: Very good ! 向学生介绍Steven and Kim两个新朋友并请自愿的同学介绍他们. He is a boy.His name is Steven. She is a girl. Her name is Kim.
7. 做接龙游戏。教师(指着一名男生)问一个学生What's your name? What's his name? 然后让这个回答问题的学生继续向另一个学生问同样的问题,直到教师命令停止为止。(注:如指的是女生则用What's her name?来询问及用第三人称转述)(游戏的使用,活跃了课堂,而且在游戏的过程中不断对进行单词及句子的刺激,让他们在潜移默化中进行了新单词的巩固。)
㈢ Homework
学生以组为单位用He, she ,What's your/his/her name? My /His/Her name is --.等自编新对话,下节课向大家展示。
Lesson 2 Friends
boy--he--his What's your name? My name is --.
A:选词填空 ( My, He, His, She, Her )
1.--is a girl.
2.--is a boy.
3. What's your name ? -- name is Li Ming.
4. What's her name ? -- name is Jenny.
5. What's his name ? -- name is Danny.
chant: I,you she,he it they , 还有一个we放在第一位。me you her , him it them ,Let's run let's run ,let us run. 我的my,你的your,男他的his,女她的her,动物的its,他们的their, 剩下我们的our,你们的your.
Song: He's my friend. She's my frieng. Do the Hokey Pokey turn around. We're good friends…
本课主要内容是学习标准问候语:What's your nane ? My name is _______? 并能换物主代词,灵活对话,本课生动有趣,与实际生活息息相关。四年级学生活泼好动,爱新鲜,注意力尚不集中。因此,教学形式必须多样化,让学生在愉悦的环境中学习英语,效果会更好。在授课过程中兴趣是最好的老师,是最基本的学习动力和源泉,设计教学内容是努力营造浓厚的学习氛围,让学生在各种活动中感受学习英语的快乐。
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