冀教版小学英语第六册教学案例Lesson 2: What Are You Doing?冀教版小学英语第六册教学案例Lesson 2: What Are You Doing?


冀教版小学英语第六册教学案例Lesson 2: What Are You Doing?

一. 教材分析:冀教版小学英语第六册Unit1 Lesson2:What Are You Doing? 本课的内容是现在进行时的语法教学。复习已学过的What are they doing? What is he \she doing?学习新的句型:What are you doing? I am…….通过学习,让学生能运用所学语言对正在进行的活动进行描述。
二. 教学目标:
1.知识目标:学习本课新句型What are you doing? I am __ing…
三. 教学重点、难点:
1.教学重点:What are you doing? I am __ing……
四. 教学过程:
Step1, Warming up:
Hello, everyone. Are you ready for English class? I think you will do better than anyday, yes? Now, clap for ourselves.
2. Revision:
1).T: Today, I have some pictures of animals, would you like to
see? But please tell me, what animal you see. And what they are doing.(课件出示四幅动物图片)
S1: I see some birds, they are flying.
S2: I see some kangaroos, they are jumping.
S3: I see some fish, they are swimming.
S4: I see some dogs, they are running.
2).T: Good job. Now let’s play a game. I ask you do. Listen: stand up, jump, walk, ran, swim, sit down.
3).T: Great. I also have some pictures, would you like to see again? This time you can ask and answer in pairs(课件出示四幅人物活动图片:play ping-pong\ draw a picture\fly a kite\ eat)
SA: Look, what is she doing?
SB: She is playing ping-pong…….
4).T: OK. Boys and girls, please do with me:
Read a book, fly a kite, sing a song, ride a bike, draw a picture.
设计意图:动物是孩子们喜欢的伙伴,所以开始我用课件展示 了四幅动物活动的图片,吸引了学生的注意力,调动了积极性,复习What are they doing?\What is he \she doing?是为引入What are you doing?做好准备;中间穿插师生互动,复习这些词汇,为后面的学生活动作好词汇准备
Step2, Presentation:
1,T: Now, would you like to play a game, who can come here? Please look at the words on the paper, and make the action. who can guess what he is doing, and ask him :what are you doing?(找四个志愿者到前面,先看卡片上的词,然后作出相应动作其他学生猜出动作的含义,并教学生用what are you doing? I am _ing…问答)
2.(板书)What are you doing? I am crying. I am drinking. I am flying a kite. I am playing basketball.
3.T: Look, what I am doing?(教师作出跳绳,游泳动作,并板书)
I am skipping. I am swimming..
设计意图:在游戏中呈现what are you doing? I am _ing…体现知识性与趣味性的统一和让学生在玩中学,做中学的教学理念。从而使学生能够加深对其意义的理解。特别是通过卡通人物讲解“现在进行时”,使原本枯燥的时态鲜活起来,使学生们乐于接受。
Step3, Practice:
1. T: Now, can you pratise in pairs, one makes action, the other asks: what are you doing? OK. Let’s go.
2. T: Look, I am playing basketball, can you play ?.OK. Now, you can play freely and talk freely, using the sentences that we have learned today.(学生们拿出跳绳,篮球,纸牌等,随便玩,并用今天所学的语言进行自由谈论。)
设计意图: 让学生们自由活动,边游戏边进行语言交流。在真实的语言环境中练习使用已学语言知识,体现教学活动化,活动交际化的教学思路。同时在真实的情境中能培养学生的语感,和进行交际的能力。
Step4, Consolidation:
T: Now, please be quiet, don’t be loud.(板书) what’s the meaning? Who can tell me?
T: You are clever. Today, we’ll study Lesson2. First, let’s look at the questions on the paper. After listening, please answer the questions. What is Danny \Jenny\ Li Ming doing?
S1: Danny is singing.
S2: Jenny is drawing.
S3: Li Ming is reading.
Step5, Production:
T: Look at the screen , There are many people in the park, can you talk about with your partners what they are doing?(课件出示一组在公园的人物活动图片)
1. S1: Look at Picture1, what are they doing?
S2: They are sitting. And the boy is pointing.
2. S3: Look at Picture2, what is he doing?
S4: He is running.
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