Lesson 4 Who is hungryLesson 4 Who is hungry


Lesson 4 Who is hungry

理解并灵活运用下列句型 :
Who is hungry? I am/ He is/She is / We are / They are hungry. What would you like to eat? I would like ?.
Would you like some______? Yes, please./No,thanks.
2、能力目标: 学会用以上句型在日常情景中交流及对话 3、情感态度与价值观: 学会与他人合作,学会关心他人 教学重点与难点:
Who is hungry? I am/ He is/She is / We are / They are hungry. What would you like to eat? I would like ?.
Would you like some______? Yes, please./No,thanks.
教具学具准备 录音机和磁带
Step1. Greetings and review
1. Sing the song in lesson3
2. Act out the dialogue in lesson3
以教室里同学们的活动为主要情境,复习操练Who is ____?,形成师生互动,生生互动.
(设计意图: 欢快的歌曲,简单的问候以及小对话的操练,在上课开始就给孩子们营造一种轻松愉快的课堂氛围,增进师生之间的情感交流,使学生进入一种自然而真实的语言状态.)
3. Finish “Look and write” part2 .
Step2. New concepts
1. T:You sing very well. Well, I am very thirsty now. I would like to drink something. Look! There are so many drinks here: water, tea, milk, coffee and pop. (教师提前准备好,盛放在纸杯中) Are you thirsty? Would you like something to drink?
Ss: Yes.
T: Ok. I will invite someone to come here and drink something. Others can guess what drinks they are.
2. T: I’m thirsty, too. Who’d like to give me sth to drink?
S1: Would you like some tea?
T: No, thanks.
S2: Would you like some water?
T: Yes, please.
Who is thirsty now?(同时板书)
S1:I am.
T: Would you like some water?
S1: Yes,please.
T: Ok, here you are.(教师给学生递上一杯水)
T: Are you thirsty?
S2: Yes, I am.
T: Would you like some water?
S2: No, thanks.
T: What would you like?
S2: I’d like some coffee. (板书)
T: Ok, here you are.(教师给学生递上一杯coffee)
(设计意图:创设一种开放民主,尽量真实的语言学习氛围,让学生体验用英语做事的快乐,自然地不知不觉地沉浸其中, 增强语感, 同时也渗透了本节课的重点内容)
3. Pair work: ask & answer.
A:Are you thirsty/hungry?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Would you like some___?
B: Yes, please./ No, thanks.
A: What would you like?
B: I’d like some_____.
4. Listen and answer
Li Ming, Mrs. LI, Danny and Jenny are on their trip to Beijing. They’re on the train. What are they doing? Are they thirsty/hungry? Listen to the tape and let’s see who is thirsty/hungry.
Ss answer the questions.
Step 3: Practice
1. Read the text and role-play it in groups.
2. Act out the dialogue.
(设计意图:分角色朗读及对话表演,体现了以学生为主体, 学生们在对话表演中体验共同合作的快乐, 切身感受到了英语语言的实用性。)
Step3 Homework
Make a survey: Ask your friends or families’ favourite food and drinks.
Lesson4 Who Is Thirsty?
Who is thirsty/hungry?
Would you like some____?
Yes, please./ No, thanks.
What would you like ___?
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