Lesson5:What Do They Like to Do ?教学设计Lesson5:What Do They Like to Do ?教学设计


Lesson5:What Do They Like to Do ?教学设计

Lesson5:What Do They Like to Do ?教学设计
(1)灵活运用read books等动词短语,认读newspaper这一新词。
(2)熟练应用I like to …
He/She likes to… 等所学句式谈论自己及他人的爱好爱好。
在巩固表示娱乐活动的动词短语基础上,正确区别运用like to与likes to,特别加深对动词单三的理解。
Step One、Class Opening and Review
T:Good morning,boys and girls.How are you?
S:Fine, thanks!And you?
T:I’m very well,thank you!
①T:I know you had wrote something about your family! Let’s share it!(Ask 3-5 volunteers to talk about their compositions.)
②Play a game:guess the action
Ask one student to act out the action that the teacher wrote on the cards in advance,the other students try to guess. After the game,the teacher should give the students a chance to complete the other activities.
(Cards:play checkers,go for a walk,work on the computer,read books,sing a song,watch TV,play ping-pong)
Step Two、Presentation
T:There are so many interesting things to do. I like to watch TV. I like to fly a kite and I like to read the newspaper.( Teacher does the action) Class, look! What’s this? It’s “newspaper”. Follow me, please!
T:I like to read the newspaper. What do you like to do?
S1 S2 S3 ……分别回答
(设计意图:通过实物和动作让学生认知新词newspaper及短语read the newspaper.使学生更加清晰、快速的学习新知。并通过轻松的师生会话,使学生乐于用英语表达)
2、like to…/ likes to…
Same/ different
T:What do you like to do ?
S:I like to…
T:OK,I know. XXX likes to… . He/She likes to… .Follow me, please! (教师适时板书,将“s”用着重标出)
S:He/She likes to….
T: He/She likes to…But I like to … We are…(可用体态语提示学生)
S: Different.
【附加活动:两人一组,模仿以上师生对话,运用like to 和likes to句型充分用英语进行交流表达,以达到灵活运用的目标。】
Step Three、Practice
Work in groups to fill in the charts, and then talk about it.The teacher should give an example first.
What do they like to do?
Names Likes to Things like to do
They are______________.(the same, different)
【附加活动:不出示表格,在教师提供范例的基础上,让学生以my friends为题,先用英语进行小组调查,再模仿范例书写一篇小的习作,最后进行展示表达。通过此项活动,不仅达到让学生操练新知的目的,更让学生能充分利运用语言,同时提高学生写的技能。】
Step Four、Student Book L5
T:We like to do so many things. Do you want to know what does LiMing’s family like to do? Now let’s open our books, Let’s listen to the tape!Here are some questions for you!
⑴ What does Li Ming’s uncle like to do?
⑵ What does Li Ming’s grandfather like to do?
⑶ What does Li Ming’s aunt like to do?
⑷ Does Li Ming’s cousin like to play ping-pong?
⑸ What does Li Ming like to do?
Step Five、Extension
T:LiMing has a happy family.I think everyone here have a happy family,too. What do they like to do in your family? Lets talk about it! Who wants tosay?
T: This time let’s talk about it in your groups and then write it down.I’m wonder to see who can do it best!( The teacher can give an example first)
(设计意图:衔接本课复习环节,连续My family这一话题,紧密联系学生的生活,为学生搭建一个展示所学的平台,满足他们表达的欲望,巩固并充分运用已学知识)
Step Six、Class Closing
Homework: Choose one of your family member,write about his/her name,age,what does she/he look like, what does he/she do,and what does he/she like to do. In the next class, we’ll talk about it.
(设计意图:通过此项作业,提高学生针对My family这一话题,用英语组织语言和书面表达的能力。)
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