【教育文章】Lesson 2  Meat, Chicken And Fish【教育文章】Lesson 2 Meat, Chicken And Fish


【教育文章】Lesson 2 Meat, Chicken And Fish

Lesson 2 Meat, Chicken And Fish
a.正确的听、说、口头运用食物单词meat、chicken、 fish.
b.正确的听、 说、 口头运用数字单词 eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen。
c.能理解并能口头说句子 This food is good.
一.Class Opening and Review
1. Greeting.
Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today? (Encourage the class to reply)
Class: ……
2. Sing a number song: ONE, TWO,…
Teacher and class sing together while doing actions.
3. Review Lesson 1: Watch the video two cats , After the video, ask the class say out these words and sentences food, eat, drink I'm hungry. I want to eat. I'm thirsty. I want to drink.
二.New Concepts
1. Meat,chicken,fish.
T: After saying the video, I feel a little hungry. Now, Let's eat something ,ok?
Guiding the student sees the picture:The student can speak the familiar words (for example:bananas, apples, pears, grapes),and then ,introduce the new words: meat, chicken and fish. Study chicken,fish one by one in order. Encourage nonstandard student in pronunciation.
Practice several more time to read the phonetic symbol allow.
T: What is Danny saying? Danny:This food is good! Explain 'good'is a word we can describe food phrase. If we like a certain food, We say the 'Good food!'or'This is good food!'.
Game Time:
(1)Use more words that you learned
(2)Use the things around you
Practice in group
Pass the group game, practice the words.
Play the tape, Ask the students to point to the picture and read the words on the book。
2. Numbers eleven to fifteen.
Use slide to show 11 pitches. When the student counts the ten the teacher says eleven, twelve,Ask the class say a few times after the teacher.
Show that the next numbers have 'teen'on the end to represent 'ten'. Study thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen one by one in order.
Let student counting with teacher from 1 to 11, Then let themselves count immediately after, Practice again and again twelve, thirteen, thirteen、fourteen, fifteen.
Game: The teacher use slide to show pictures and let students to guess and count What is it? How many?
三.Class Closing.
The students sing a song one, two …
Assign homework.
Lesson 2 Meat, Chicken and Fish
1.(pictures to show the words below)
meat chicken fish
2.eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
11 12 13 14 15
Choose and tick. (挑出不同类别的一项)
( ) 1. A. warm B. cold C. good
( ) 2. A. father B. food C. mother
( ) 3. A. oranges B. pink C. purple
( ) 4. A. banana B. apple C. milk
( ) 5. A. one B. three C. meat
1. 复习1---12
我的1----12个宝宝出生时模样各不相同,外貌相差很大,为他们起了不同的名字:one , two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ,eleven, twelve.
One, two, three, four,
How are you? How are you?
Five six seven eight nine ten,
How are you?
One, two, three, four,
How do you do? How do you do?
Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
How do you do?
I have two friends, two friends
Eleven and twelve.
我的13-19这些数字宝宝长的很相像,他们的头上张了同样的美丽的蝴蝶结,你们瞧,---teen thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.
2. 字卡出现这些单词,并用彩色笔把后缀---teen着重表现,突出出来并引起学生的注意。通过学生观察发现,再由老师的适时引导,学生轻松自如的掌握了这些词。
3. 20---60 宝宝出生时,他们都张了相同的长长的尾巴,猜猜看这是什么呢?---ty, 这组单词学生通过自我发现探究的方式,获取了新知识并从中得到的快乐。
4. 用我们学习的数字表示身边常见的数字如:电话号码,车牌号等。进行一个小游戏活动。

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