【英语教案】Lesson  13 Black, White, Brown【英语教案】Lesson 13 Black, White, Brown


【英语教案】Lesson 13 Black, White, Brown

1.能听懂、认知三种颜色:black, white, brown。
2.听懂、会读、会说:on, in, under 。
3.听懂、会实际运用:Where is? It's…/I don't know.Let's look.
教学重难点:1、能听懂、认知三种颜色:black, white, brown。2.听懂、会读、会说: on, in, under 。3.听懂、会实际运用:Where is? It's…/ I don't know.Let's look.. 4、学习在四线三格中正确书写英文字母Ss,Tt, Qq, Rr的大小写,以及句型where is danny?。
教具学具:十种颜色 red,yellow,blue,green, orange, purple, pink,black,
课堂教学资源:介词in, on, under的用法
1. on表示 在……上面 (与物体表面接触)。如:
on the table 在桌子上
on the wall 在墙上
The cup is on the table. 茶杯在餐桌上。
My books are on the desk. 我的书在书桌上。
2. in 表示 在……内(中) (在某一范围之内)。如:
 in the room 在房间里
in the box 在盒子里
 in Grade Three 在三年级
 My pen is in the pencil-box. 我的钢笔在文具盒里。
 There is a fox in the box. 有一只狐狸在盒子里。
3. under 表示 在……下面(方) 。如:
 under the bed 在床下面
 under the tree 在树下面
 My shoes are under the bed. 我的鞋在床下面。
 His bike is under the tree. 他的自行车在树下面。
T: Would you like to sing the ABC song with me? Please sing it and do actions with me!
T: We have learned many colours, do you remember them?Now,look here. I'll show you some colors,if you know it,please stand up and say it as fast as you can! Are you ready?
1.教表示颜色的单词: Black, white, brown.
(1). 示范:(教师继续上一环节的游戏,出示卡片,当出示为白色时)
T: Oh, it's a new colour. Please look and listen, try to learn it by yourselves.
(教师继续出示其他卡片)向学生提问:T: What color is this?
T: Is this white?(教师指墙上贴的poster中的任一个颜色,让学生们抢答)
T: Please point to something white.(Students try to find something white around.) Circle something white . Use the same way to teach black and brown.
(2) . 更多句型:
T: Is this brown? (Point to the desk.)
T: Is this black? (Point to one of the posters.)
T: Is this white? (Show a pencil.)
T: Show me something black. Underline something white. Point to something brown. Circle something white.
T: What color is this? (point to one of the students'shirt.)
Point to green, point to blue, point to black and purple too.
\ Now what color do you see, point to it and then tell me!
(point to another practicing colour)
2. 学习新句型:Let's look.
T:(紧接上一步骤学习颜色,老师提问)Do you know what color is Danny?
T: And Danny comes here today.(出示课件,图片中Danny正在向同学们挥手,但是转眼Danny就消失了)
T: (老师迷惑地问)Oh? Where is Danny? Let's look.
T: Where is Danny?--Let's look. Say after me. Let's look.
(2) 做游戏:
T: Where is Danny?
Let's look for Danny. Please ask others.(老师问学生A::Where is Danny?,学生A问学生B,再继续由学生A和学生B去问学生C和学生D,之后学生A、B、C、D再去问其他同学,直至全班同学都参与会话练习。学生们因为不知道Danny在哪里,所以可以回答:I don't know.
3. 教单词 on, in, under.
(1) 示范:
T: Ok, class,please go back to your seat and sit down. Now look, here is Danny.(教师指着课件中桌子下面的Danny)
T: Jenny and Li Ming also want to find Danny. Please look and listen where is Danny.(播放课件,桌子下的Danny说: under the desk 、 under the desk )
T: Where is Danny?under, under,under the desk, say after me.
(2)句型:Use in, on and under with colors.Put a blue pencil on the pencilcase.
T: Where is the blue pencil?
Ss:On the pencilcase.(The blue pencil is on the pencilcase.)
Use other colors and objects and positions to practice.
老师出示图片queen.问:what's this? 学生回答是一个王后,引出queen.老师问学生queen的第一个字母是什么:What letter is this? 学生答 q .老师出示字母卡,让学生辨别字母Qq的大小写。
2、让学生在练习本上把所学字母Qq-Tt每个写一行。老师在教室中巡视,及时 给学生进行辅导。
老师分别出示图片,问学生:What's in English?
学生回答:rose, queen , school, tea。.
老师让学生在四线三格中默写字母b, o, k, r, l, e, p, n, c, I, a,
3、Say Goodbye! to the students .
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