


Lesson 1: Fathers Mothers Brothers and Sisters
一、教学目标 :
1、知识目标:学生能熟练的掌握家庭成员的英文名字。并且能掌握 older /younger than句型。
教学重点:使学生能够正确地认识本课生词,并能掌握 older /younger than句型。
教学难点:older /younger than句型的灵活的运用。
本身欧美有追随名人起名的风气,往往以名人的名字作为自己或自己孩子的名字,以显示对内心的期望和对名人的敬慕,特别是很多人喜欢以圣徒、领袖等的名字为孩子取名。因此,在欧美可以有无数个叫彼利、保罗、华盛顿、威尔逊、米尔顿等同名之人。所以称呼其姓并不比名的重复率高。而且欧美人士也常把父名作为自己的名字,若家有两代同名,则在姓的英文后缀以 幼 (加Junior,缩写为Jr)。读成中文时,把小辈读作 小 某某,如小布什等。在称呼上欧美的风俗是:若熟悉的人、友好的人,在非正式场合可以用名字的第一名字称呼;在正式或非正式场合,可以把名和姓一起连用。在正式会议及与不认识的人交往的场合,希望表示礼貌,则习惯把尊称(Mr,Mrs,Ms,及Miss)和姓连用。对于政治家、艺术家等名人,人们习惯只用一个姓来称呼,如俾斯麦o素、贝多芬、牛顿、哥伦布等。所以在称呼外国人的名字时,一般都喜欢称呼他们的姓呢.
1、Class Opening and Review
Sing The Family in Our House to review members of the family mastered in Level Key Concepts
I am older/younger than __
Show a picture of my family. Introduce my family to the students.
T: Look, this is my father and mother. My father is fifty-seven years old. This is my mother. She is fifty-five years old. Are they young? ( No, they are old.)
T: Look, Who are they? Can you guess? Yes, they are my grandfather and my grandmother.Teach these two words.Are they old? (Yes, they're very old.)
T: Who is she? Guess. She is my sister.Yes,I have one sister.I don't have brothers.
Ask: Do my father and mother have sons? How many daughters do they have?
My sister is thirty. I'm twenty-eight. Who is older? My sister. My sister is older than me. I'm younger than my sister.
T: My father is older than me. My mother is older than me. Older, what's meaning. Younger, what's meaning.
Make up the sentences
Ask the students to make up the sentences with older /younger than.
Ask the students to look at the books. Discuss the pictures:
How many people are there in Li Ming's family?
Who are they?
Explain Why Li Ming has two grandfathers and grandmothers.
Does Li Ming has brothers and sisters?
Look at the Smith family.
Where does Jenny's family live?
Who are in Jenny's family?
How old are they?
4、Play the audiotape as the students follow in their student book.
Jenny is twelve. Bob is twenty. Bob is older than Jenny. Bob is older than Jenny. Lynn is eight. Lynn is eight. Lynn is younger than Jenny. Lynn is younger than Jenny.
Ask the students to introduce their family in groups.
6、Class Closing
同学们你们知道family的由来吗?Family就是Father and mother, I love you.这句话的每一个单词首字母组合而成的。在国外,小朋友们起床以后的第一件事就是对父母说这句话。
Lesson 1: Fathers Mothers Brothers and Sisters
grandfather grandmother
father mother
son daughter
(brother) (sister)
I have two _________ and _____________ .
My __________ and __________ have one son, he is my ________ .
My sister is my father and my mother's __________ .
(二)、写一写:用older /younger than 各写两句话。
Lesson 2 : Aunts, Uncles and Cousins
一、教学目标 :
1、知识目标:掌握家庭成员词汇aunt uncle cousin。
二、 教学重难点:
三、 教学用具、学具:录音机、家庭成员树状图
四、 教学资源
中国人很讲究称呼,在亲戚方面,长自己一辈的亲戚,男性就有叔叔,伯伯,舅舅, 姨夫,等等各种叫法。使人呼而知其渊源,或者血亲,或者姻亲,甚至干亲,比如干爹,干舅,契叔等等。这些称呼,既体现着一种细致,又显示着一种复杂。一个中国式的大家庭,若把他们所有辈份,所有关系的亲戚称呼,包括旁系支系的姻亲和血亲称呼,全部统计下来,肯定要使用到百位数,甚至千位数。白皮肤的外国人没有这样复杂,他们只对自己的父母,使用特定的称呼,其余的人,包括直系亲戚在内,基本没有中国这种一对一式的特定称呼。比如在他们那里,无论姑姑、姨姨、婶子、妗子等等所有父母辈的女性亲戚,全部用一个类似阿姨的称呼 {aunt}代替,对男性也是同样,一声 {uncle},既叫了叔叔,也叫了伯伯,又是姨夫和姑夫的称呼。所以,那些白皮肤的外国人,单凭这一声 {aunt},或者 {uncle},肯定分不清家里来的客人,是自己的什么人,又和自己的父母是个什么关系。要想分辨亲戚和亲戚的不同,必须借助各人的名字。
因此,外国人往往对长辈呼名唤姓,很小的年纪,已经学会称呼自己长辈的姓名了,不然的话,一位女性长辈来到家里,只把她称以 {aunt},不冠以名姓,怎么可能分清,来人到底是自己的姑姑,还是自己的姨姨,或者仅仅是一个较为年长的女性街坊。由此也衍生一种风气,中国人很看重的辈份,在他们的眼里,已经不重要了,显得随意,显得不分大小,有时干脆就以名字称呼长辈。这种事情,放在以往的中国,肯定属于大逆范畴,现在这样称呼,或者对待长辈也显得极不礼貌。可是那些外国人,从来如此,不以为忤,的确也是一种因为识别的需要,而产生的风气。
(一)、Class opening and review
1、Greeting :
How are you today?
Nice to meet you !
How is the weather?
2、Song: The family in our house .
3、Game :Play Letters to review the words .
(二)、New Concepts
Family members:aunt uncle cousin.
(1)show the family `s picture of LiMing .
1、 Introduce the words wife and husband .
T: Li Ming's father is Li Ming's mother's husband.
What is husband ? Can you guess?
S: Yes.丈夫read it please.
T: Li Ming's mother is Li Ming's father's wife. What is wife ? Can you guess?
S: Yes,妻子read it please.
T: You're very clever.
2、show Li Ming`s mother`s sister and brother .
T: Li Ming mother's sister is aunt.
Can you guess aunt ?
S: Yes 姨read it please.
T: Li Ming's mother 's brother is uncle.
Can you guess uncle .
S: Yes 舅read it please.
T: Very good.
(用英语介绍重点单词叔叔、阿姨,使学生更容易理解他们和爸爸、妈妈之间的关系。另外, 这种方式小学生更喜欢,他们愿意更主动地猜测其中的人物。)
What's Li Ming's aunt's name?
Who is her husband?
Who is his wife?
4、 Let the Ss introduce Li Ming`s father`s sister and brother by themselves .Prictice with cousin .
5、 Use the student book and audiotape , practice their listening .
6、 Drawing : Drawing your family and introduce the members of your family .
(三)、Class closing
Lesson 2 : Aunts, Uncles and Cousins
aunt ( mother's sister / father's sister )
uncle ( mother's brother / father's brother)
cousin (uncle 's /aunt 's child )
例:My mother's sister ( aunt )
1. My father's brother ( )
2. My father's father ( )
3. My aunt's son ( )
4. My uncle's daughter ( )
My uncle is tall than my aunt .
My sister is older than my mother .
My cousin shorter than my aunt .
本课是第一课的拓展、延伸,有了第一课的基础,本课进行得很顺利。我重点突出了家庭成员的拼写,以求学生能牢固掌握本单元重点知识。但以后还要经常适时复习、检验。我对本课家谱图进行了较细致的分析,以求使学生能清晰的理解堂、表亲的关系,我认为教学就应该严谨。此外,我觉得I have/…has句型以后应作为次重点,再处理的细一些。因为它在第1、2课中多次出现。最后,我对相关文化背景知识又进行了适当介绍,如,在英文中,人们可以直呼婶婶、叔叔的名字。使学生对所学语言的文化背景有更多的了解,能够较深入的掌握所学英语知识。
Lesson 3:What Do They Look Like?
一、 教学目标:
1. 知识目标:
(1)掌握并能简单运用四会单词glasses(复数概念), gray; 句型 I am taller/shorter than ____.
教学重点:glasses, gray的用法,以及区分gray和green 的发音;学生会用比较级I am taller/shorter than ____.
三、 教具学具:word cards,radio, pictures
How tall am I? How tall am I?
I am 1.6, 1.6 meters tall.
How tall is she? How tall is she?
She is 1 meter tall.
She is shorter than me.
How tall is he? How tall is he?
He is 1.7 meters tall.
He is taller than me.
Step 1、Greeting:
How are you today?
I'm fine, thanks, and you ?
I'm fine too.
Step 2、Review:
Step 3、导入新课
Part One:
1、利用图片卷发、直发、长发、短发4种不同的发型,并涂上颜色复习staight hair, curly hair ,long hair, short hair以及blond,red,brown,black.并画上不同颜色的眼睛。
2、 T: Now, class, can you talk about me? How about my hair and my eyes? What colour is my hair? What colour are my eyes?
Students: …
T: Good! My eyes are black. I have long, straight and black hair. Ok, today, I invite my friends to our classroom. (出示Jenny Lynn Bob Danny的图片)Where are they? Look here, who is she/he? What colour are her eyes? (让学生根据前面学过内容对他们的外貌进行描述。)
3、(拿出课前画好的人物图片)Look! What about her hair? What colour is her hair?
Ss: Her hair is……
T: She has gray hair. Say it, please! (注意 ay 的发音)(Let's students read and spell it)
T: Look, what are these? Yes, these are glasses. She wears glasses.
(领读glasses并强调wear除了有 穿 的意思,还有 戴 的意思。)
3、Let the class talk about their friends with their partners.
4、Listen part one and answer the questions: How many hairs does Danny have? (强调:当我们说2根以上的头发能数出个数的头发时要加s,而平时说有 很多头发 时就不加s)
Part Two:
1、Lead a dialogue like this:
T: I am __ years old. How old are you?
S1: I am __ years old.
T: He is 13 years old. I am 24 years old. So, he is younger than me. I am older than him. (read the sentence)
T: I am 1.60 metres tall. How tall are you?
S1: I am _____ metres tall.
T: He is 1.3 meters tall. I am 1.65 meters tall. So, he is shorter than me. I am taller than him.(read the sentence)
2、Let students make a dialogue like this in pairs.
How old is LiMing's grandmother?
How old is LiMing's grandfather?
What colour is LiMing's grandfather's hair?
What colour is LiMing's grandmother's hair?
How many people are there in LiMing's family?
How many people in LiMing`s family wear glasses?
Class closing
六、板书设计:Lesson 3 What Do They Look Like?

He is younger than me. I am older than him
He is shorter than me. I am taller than him.
1、A hair B hat C head
2、A black B blond C blue
3、A shirt B she C short
4、A green B gray C great
5、A look B like C love
1、长头发 ___________________ 2、 curly hair__________________
3、直头发 ___________________ 4、short hair___________________
1、What colour____________ her eyes?
A.is B. are C.am
2、Bob___________ short, brown hair.
A.have B.having C.has
3、My grandfather is_____________________ than my grandmother.
A.old B.oldest C.older
4、My______________ father is seventy-six years old.
A.fathers B.father's C.fathers'
5、She has gray hair,___________________.
A.too B.to C.two
Lesson 4 Do They Work?
一、 教学目标:
1.掌握: 句型He is a ____. She is a ______.单词:掌握表示职业的单词。
2.说出并且灵活运用重点句型 What do they do ?How do they go to work? 掌握一般疑问句的两种回答方式。
教学重点:充分掌握句子 He is a ___. She is a ____.
教学难点:让学生感知主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词需加s 或加 es
Where does she work? Where does she work?
She works in a school. She works in a school.
How does she go to work? How does she go to work?
By bicycle. By bicycle.
(一)Class Opening and Review
(1)Greeting with each other
(2)Play a game: Simon Says : ______ (复习几种交通方式)
drive a car ride a bicycle
take a bus walk to school
(3)Say the words quickly _______(复习职业词汇)
businessman , cashier , driver , doctor , nurse , waiter , teacher , waitress , carpenter clerk , police officer ,
(二)New Concepts
Step 1 : Demonstrate:
T:I am a teacher. I work in a school. I go to school by bicycle.
T :What do they do ? How do they go to work ?
Step 2 Listen and Discuss
出示光盘课文第一部分内容, 听看录音两遍 然后师生讨论 :
Picture 1: Who is this? What is LiMing's father?
How does he go to work?
Picture 2 : The same as P1
Picture 3 : Who is this ? What is Wanrong?
Where does she work? How does she go to work?
Step 3 Follow to read Part 1
Step 4 Lead to Part 2
T :Do your mother and father work? What do they do?
Questions: 1. Does your mother work?
2. Is she a _____?
3 Does your father work?
4. Is he a _______?
Step 5.Talk about :
T :Do your mother and father work very tired?
Do they work hardly or easily?
How to do with us?
(三)Class Closing
Homework :Write down some sentences to introduce your parents .
六、 板书 :
Lesson 4: Do They Work?
What do you do?
How do you go to _______?
My father is a businessman. He drives to work
My mother is a doctor. She goes to work by bicycle.
练习题 :
1 My aunt is a teacher. _____ works in a school.
2 How does he go to work? He _____ to work by bicycle.
3 LiMing's father is a businessman. ______ has a car .
4 Where does Wanrong work ? She ______ in a school .
5 Is your mother a teacher ? Yes, _____ ____ .
6 Is your brother a doctor ? No, _____ ____ .
1. How does he go to work? 2. How does she go to work?
_______________ ________________
3. How does she go to work? 4. How does he go to work?
______________ _______________
1. Where does she work? By bicycle.
2. Is your brother a teacher? No, he is.
3. How does she go to work? She walk to school.
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