May I Go to Beijing? 教学案例May I Go to Beijing? 教学案例


May I Go to Beijing? 教学案例

Learning English Lesson 18 (冀教版)
本课是冀教版小学《学英语》五年级上册教材第三单元的第二课,是一节英语对话课,本单元的主题是A Trip to Beijing。本文讲述了李明母子谈论去北京旅行的事,文中呈现了功能型句型 “May I _...?及肯定否定回答。本课的学习内容接近孩子的实际生活,成为了孩子们乐于谈论的话题。
掌握句型:May I /we…..?及Yes, you may. / No, you may not.
鼓励学生积极运用本课所学,围绕May I/we ……进行自由表达和交流。
掌握句型:May I /we…..?及Yes, you may. / No, you may not.
在情境能正确、流利地的运用句型“May I /we…..?”
(一)、Class Opening and Review
T: DANG、DANG、DANG(敲门声)May I come in ?
Ss: Yes/No.
T:Hello, boys and girls. I’m very happy to be here. Nice to meet you.
Ss: Nice to meet you, too.
T: May I work on the computer?
Ss: Yes…
T: Yes, you may.
Ss: Yes, you may.
〖感知May I,利用学生熟悉的句子引出本课的重点句式〗
2、Say and Do
One student say a phrase, and ask boys, girls or boys and girls to act it.
课件①. phrases and pictures: read a book/ draw a picture/eat noodles/by bicycle/play badminton/sing a song…
〖Purpose: I think ,It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review some phrases〗
(二)、New Concepts.
3、Use situations to help Ss to understand and use “May I …? Yes, you may. /No, you may not.”
课件②.Situation A : Danny is in the library. Situation B: On Children’s Day
T: sing“Where is Danny?”
Ss : He’s in the library.
T:May I …? Yes, you may. /No, you may not.
S1: May I read a book?
S2: Yes, you may.
S3: May I play ping-pong?
S4: No, you may not.

〖Purpose: To present key structures byCAI, is much easier for the Ss to learn and understand the meanings. They can provide a real situation and it makes the relationships between the Ss better. 〗
4、课件③:Present “Beijing is great!”
T:What do you know?
S1 : It’s Beijing .
S2: Beijing is the capital city of China .
S3: I know Tian’anmen Square in Beijing . Tian’anmen Square is very famous.
S4: I know the Palace Museum in Beijing .
S5:There are many shops、restaurants and hotels in Beijing
S6: …
T:(present FuWa )In one year,the Olmpic Games will be held in Beijing.
T: How about Beijing ? Beijing is so great! May I …
Ss: May I go to Beijing ?
T: Yes, you may. LiMing wants to go on a trip to Beijing , too. Now ,look !What does he talk to his mother?
5.课件④: L18
“LiMing: Mum,may I go on a trip to Beijing?”
T: Guess, what does his mother answer?
S1(guess): Yes, you may.
S2(guess): No, you may not.
S3(guess): I don’t know.
T: Why ? Listen carefully.
Ss: _______
T: …too young to go too…to: it means :太……不能…
far from : I’m far from____ Are we far?
Ss: No, you are near.
T: 课件⑤a China’s map. Present from Shijiazhuang to Beijing from…to :
T: only?
T: Where does he want to go in Beijing ?
“LiMing: May I live in Beijing, Mum? Beijing is so great?”
T: Guess, what does his mother answer?
〖This step is employed to make the Ss get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. At the same time let the Ss have a chance to practise their listening and spoken ability.〗
6.Please read after the tape. Boys to be LiMing, girls to be LiMing’s mother.OK?
7. Practice in pairs. Let’s begin.
8. Role-play
T: Who can come here?
T: May we have a rest? Let me introduce a new friend. Look !
T:Can you help him tell his mother?Guess, his mother says…
please make a dialogue with your partner.
〖The task is to encourage the Ss to use the new sentence patten toexpress their thinkings to develop the Ss’ ability of communication co-operation. Ss use their imagination and creative ability to act their roles, motivating them to speak and use English language. T checks the knowledge Ss have learned in this lesson.〗
(三)、Class closing.
Christmas, New Year’s Day and Winter Holiday are coming. What do you want to do?Can you use “May I …? please write them
T:Goodbye , boys and girls .
Ss: Goodbye .
〖I think homework is so important that the Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.〗
Lesson 18: May I Go to Beijing ?
Yes, you may.
May I …?
No, you may not.
这是一节以对话为主的小学高年级英语课,能用英语有礼貌地征求别人的意见,表达想去某地旅行我觉得是可以作为探索信息技术与英语学科整合的较好题材。整合过程中既要体现多媒体学习环境的优势,更重要的是要体现英语的语言训练、语言交际的功能,根据本节课学生已经学且教学内容相对简单,我把重点放在交际活动的过程中鼓励学生大胆用英语表达自己的愿望,掌握句型:May I …..?及Yes, you may. / No, you may not.的回答。 通过课文学习和情景模拟,提高学生英语口语交际能力。
小学生活波好动热身阶段的“说和做” play badminton/sing a song等除了要利用其丰富多彩、趣味性强的特点来激发和培养学生的学习兴趣外,复习并给出学生熟悉的词语更是为了在教学过程中创设情境时降低学生说完整话的难度,但我感觉热身中还可以复习更多的如play on the computer等易错的短语,这样学生在表达时才不易犯错,是不是还应强调一下May I后接什么,这样学生就不会说出May I dancing?
多媒体教学的最大优点在于它有利于建立真正以学生为主体的教学模式。利用多媒体创设教学内容所需要的特定语言情景,在情境学习语言就可以把发展学生综合运用语言能力与发展学生创新思维能力结合起来。 在Danny 在图书馆看书时、在儿童节及学生扮演睡觉等情景中学生都可以大胆地用英语表达自己的愿望、征求别人的意见并根据实际情况得到允许或不允许。这是一种学生之间的交互协作和对话交流,是对主题进行的讨论、汇话和自主学习,给予了学生学、练的自由空间。《英语课标》明确指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神。教师在这种教学模式中,起组织,导引和释疑的作用,而学生就能充分发挥自己的主动性,积极性,最终达到是自己有效地实现对当前所学知识的意义建构目的。
北京的视频,来源于北京奥运宣传片,图文声并茂,给学生表达的自由: Beijing is the capital city of China. Tian’anmen Square、 the Palace Museum 、many shops、restaurants and hotels in Beijing、In one year,2008 Olmpic Game will be held in Beijing. 激发学习的热情May I go to Beijing?同时我也希望让学生们从北京的变化看到国家的发展,更关注即将召开的2008奥运会。
课文中我还设计了几个“猜”的过程,如“LiMing: Mum,may I go on a trip to Beijing?”让学生猜LiMing妈妈会怎么回答?模拟真实情境时猜测那个孩子会说什么,他妈妈会说什么?我觉得这样变传授为探究,通过主题教学的设计,学生大胆用英语表达自己的愿望,有利于学生对语言的理解,接受和模仿。
我想通过Role-play,通过真实生活情境的模拟,让知识得以延伸与拓展,锻炼学生运用语言的实际交际能力,拓宽学生知识面,给学生更多使用英语的空间,但由于时间限制、特别是我感觉在引导时还没有真正打开学生的思路,我觉得拓展的并不理想,虽然也有学生用到了too…to , far from等,但我希望他们结合新旧知识,整理自己所学信息,更能个性的表达。
此外我也没有设计如填空、判断、选择等练习题,我就把重点放在了学生的口语对话上,课后我考虑其实是可以加一个这样的练习的,更能起到巩固知识的目的.关于作业Christmas, New Year’s Day and Winter Holiday are coming. What do you want to do?Can you use “May I …? please write them .也由于时间太仓促了,如果给出一个范文,那对于每个班都会存在的英语稍差的学生来说应该会有帮助的。
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