阅读短文:The Triffic Lights阅读短文:The Triffic Lights


阅读短文:The Triffic Lights

The traffic lights are the same in every country. There are always three lights: red ,yellow and green. Red means “Stop” .Yellow means “Wait”, and green means “Go” . In China ,drivers drive on the right side of the road .In the US , drivers drive on the right side ,too . In England and Australia , however , drivers drive on the left side of the road . If you go by car , by bike or on foot , you must know the traffic rules .
Read and tick or cross.
1.There are always three lights in every country : red, yellow and green. ( )
2.Yellow light means “ Go”. ( )
3.In China , drivers drive on the right side of the road . ( )
4.In the US , drivers drive on the left side.
5.If you go on foot ,you don’t have to know the traffic rules. ( )
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