三年级英语下册lesson 10 where do they live?三年级英语下册lesson 10 where do they live?


三年级英语下册lesson 10 where do they live?

(1)理解、掌握动物类单词:river, tree, grass
(2)能对他们居住地进行问答: Where does a ____ live?
In a _______.
2.过程方法: 通过游戏“Find the Lucky Dog”让学生在真实的情境中运用所学语言知识。
(2)能对他们居住地进行问答:Where does a ____ live? In a _______.
(3) 能熟练运用所学知识,对森林里的动物进行介绍
(一)、Class opening and review
1. Greeting
T: Hello, boys and girls.
Ss: Hello,Bess .
T: How are you?
Ss: Fine. Thank you .How are you?
T: I’m fine. Thank you.
2. Review “plays a game”
3.脑图:“animals at the zoo”
(二)、New concepts
Animals are our friends, today we will learn more animals and where do they live.
1.fish,panda ,bird
(1)Riddle: “I can swim. I swim like this”引出单词snake.
Lead students to read the new word one by one, line by line, or together.
T: Does a fish have feet? (课件辅助)
S:No,it doesn’t.
T: Can a fish fly?
S:No,it can’t.
T: Can a fish hop?
S:No,it can’t.
T: Where does a fish live?
S1:…… In a river.
Work in pairs“Ask and answer”
(2)出示熊猫图片 “panda” 领读, 学生读。
T: What colour is a panda? (课件辅助)
S:Black and white.
T: Can a panda fly?
S:No,it can’t.
T: Can a panda hop?
S:No,it can’t.
T: Where does a snake live?
S1:…… In a forest.
Work in pairs “Ask and answer” Boys ask ,girls answer
T: What’s this?
S:It’s a bird.
T:This time, can you ask?
1.What colour is the bird?
2.Can a bird fly?
3.Where does a bird live?
It’s blue.
Yes, it can.
A bird lives in a tree.
T:“ what’s this?”
S:“ it’s a cow.”
T:“what is this?”
S:“ grass。”
T:“ what does the cow eat?”(学生不理解这句话的意思,老师做动作。)
S:“ the cow eat grass。”(开火车读单词grass)
3. Game“Find the lucky dog”
4. Let’s sing a song
My favorite animal is a monkey. It’s brown. It can jump. It has a long tail. It lives in a mountain.并鼓励学生向大家介绍自己最喜欢的动物。
三、Class closing.
(3)Homework:Sing the song to your father and mother.
板书设计: Lesson 10 :Where Do They Live?
Where does a fish live? In a river.
panda forest.
bird tree.
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