Lesson 4 Numbers1-5Lesson 4 Numbers1-5


Lesson 4 Numbers1-5

one two three four five
Hi.My name is ______.What’s your name?
My name is _____.How are you?
Nice to meet you.
1. 能用打招呼用语进行问候。
2. 了解名词的单数形式和复数形式。
能听懂、会说和认读one two three four five。
Step One: Class Opening and Review
1. Greetings:
T: Hello! boys and girls. Nice to meet you!
S: Hello, teacher! Nice to meet you, too!
T: Let’s sing a song. “How are you?”
Step Two: New Concepts
1、 Nice to meet you
T: Hello. My name is ______ . What’s your name?
S: My name is ______ .
T: How are you?
S: I’m fine, thanks. How are you?
T: Fine, thank you. Nice to meet you.
S:……(鼓励学生说出Nice to meet you.)
用汉语告诉学生,当一个人第一次遇到某个人时,可以说Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
(3)play the game:Go! Stop!
2、 Numbers one to five
(1) T: What’s this? Yes, it’s a book. It’s one book .Write “one book” on the blackboard.
Have the students say together.
T: Now, What’s this?( point to one chair and desk)
S: It’s one chair. It’s one desk.
T: What are these? Two books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to say.
T: How many chairs? How many desks? ( point to two chairs and desks)
S: Two chairs. Two desks.
T: How many books? Three books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to read.
T: How many boys? How many girls? (Point to three boys and girls)
S: Three boys. Three girls.
T: Now how many books? Four books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to read.
T: How many schools? How many teachers?(show some pictures)
S: Four schools. Four teachers.
T: How many books in my hands? Let’s count together. Yes, five books. Write it on the blackboard and have the students read.
T: How many desks? How many chairs? (show some pictures)
S: Five desks, five chairs.
T: Who can find the different?
(2)Play a game
3、Let’s have a chant
One book,two books
Step Three: Class closing
Step Four:
Homework:复习数字1-5,同桌两人练习对话并熟练使用Nice to meet you.
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