


Test for Lesson 1~3
Ⅰ. 看图片写单词。
1. The ______ is clean.
2. We cook on the ________.
3. It’s our new ________.
4. The fruits are in the __________.
Ⅱ. 选择最佳答案。
( )1. Jenny and Danny _______ in Canada Li Ming ______inChina.
A. live; lives B. lives; live C. lives; lives
( )2. Li Ming _____ toCanada.
A. comes B. come C. is coming
( )3. This room is ________. That is ________________.
A. my; your B. mine; yours C. my; yours
( )4. I’m very happy ______I’m tired.
A. and B. but C. so
( )5. I see ______. It’s Li Ming.
A. he B. his C. him
Ⅲ. 判断图片与所给的句子是否一致,相符的写“T”,不符的画“F”。
( )1. Li Ming is at the airport.
( )2. Here’s the living room.
( )3. He goes home June twenty-fifth.
( )4. This is my suitcase.
( )5. It’s time for lunch.
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